I often get asked how to hire the right employees. It is getting harder and harder to find the best employees to fill your needs, and specific skills are even harder to find. I have had a few clients seeking people for specific positions with unique skills, and they have been hunting for over a year without success.
So What Can You Do to Find the Right People?
First of all, look around at your entire existing team. Who are the superstars? Statistics show that the “Great” employees are 3 times more effective than just a “Good” employee. Yes, that’s right, great employees are often overlooked and under-appreciated. So again, look around. Who do you have that is showing early signs of being a “Shining star”? Who always does a great job no matter what you throw at them? So why not invest in them? Grow your team of future leaders within to set your company apart.
How to Grow the Right People Instead
How can you grow your team? Think about what you can do to help them learn what you’d like them to know. Can you fast-track their learning with education, extra training, certifications, leadership training, management training, skills training? If you cannot find the right employees for a position, why not look inward and “grow your own”.
There are ways to not only grow your employees but grow your company culture so everyone WANTS to learn, WANTS to do more, and WANT to excel. They may not be at the level you’d like yet, but if you do things right, keep them engaged, and invest in them, you can fast-track their learning and grow them into the position you need filled.
Want to grow your team but aren’t sure how? Book a Business Clarity Session with us and find out how.
Cindy Piva is Founder and President of Thrive Business Strategies.